Pomáháme hoteliérům zvládnout zotavení z krize COVID-19


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Hotelový průmysl byl tvrdě zasažen pandemií Covid-19 a před začátkem opětovného otevírání hotelů je stále mnoho problémů. Abychom pomohli hotelům připravit se na byznys, vytvořili jsme tuto informační stránku Covid-19, která poskytuje poradenství a podporu hotelům. Využili jsme své odborné znalosti, naše mezinárodní zkušenosti a inovační schopnosti, abychom pomohli hotelům ve fázi návratu do normálu.

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PhocusWire – How the acceleration of digital and sustainability trends is driving innovation in travel

November 10, 2020

A report from Euromonitor explores how companies are innovating for what things in the travel industry might be like going forward. Contactless check-in and check-out is one of the key innovations highlighted.

Travel Pulse – Hotel CEOs See Big Improvement in 2021

November 9, 2020

CEOs from Merriott, Hilton, Hyatt, Accor, and BWH Hotel Group chime in on the current state of the industry, and where its most likely headed for the rest of 2020 and into 2021. 

Eturbo News – The biggest threat yet for European Tourism

November 10, 2020

The ETC (European Travel Commission) calls on European governments to join forces to agree on common solutions to restore free travel and encourage travel demand in Europe.

Skift – Hyatt CEO Says Second Wave of Virus Will Curtail Hotel Industry’s Ongoing Recovery

Nov 5, 2020

A new wave of travel restrictions stemming from the European case spike and general unease with record-setting cases in the U.S. also hinders near-term outlook, despite positive occupancy trends seen since July.

TechCrunch -Google adds COVID-related health and safety info to Google Travel

November 10, 2020

Google announced that it’s adding more COVID-related health and safety information to its Google Travel booking service. This update follows others Google made earlier this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Stockhouse – Booking.com Reveals Nine Predictions For The Future Of Travel

October 20, 2020

Booking.com has combined research from more than 20,000 travelers across 28 countries to reveal nine predictions for the future of travel – in the coming year and beyond.

Připojte se k tisícům dalších úspěšných hotelů, které využívají technologii a služeb pro získání přímých rezervací od Bookassist, několikrát oceněné společnosti.

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