Bookassist helped us reduce intermediation costs and regain control of our distribution strategy.
Our booking engine provides a clear description of our facilities and rate options, matching visitor requests and delivering a satisfactory surfing experience on our official website. Our main goal for the past 10 years has been to make our official website the primary booking channel.
We reduce intermediation costs and achieve over 50% online reservations through our official website by increasing retail prices on other intermediary channels. Regain control over pricing: Focus on a maximum of three to four distribution channels (OTAs and CRSs). Only retain channels that produce at least 5% of online reservations.
Your official website is your main showcase: Offer exclusive deals, better images, and sustainability initiatives on your website only to provide a better experience for visitors who compare different sites before making a decision. Our average reservation contribution from our official website reached 61% in the first half of 2023. We reduced commission costs by 21% compared to 2022.
Maximum intermediated room nights are 16% with the same OTA (only one of them), and the other three are nearly 5%. We launched a new landing page linked to our main website, showcasing our Sustainable Plan 2030 and all the actions we have taken. It helps us improve our brand’s SEO ranking.