Golden Crown Hotel

"In the last 6 months we have increased our direct revenue from bookings by 100%"



Prague, Czech Republic



increase in direct revenue

I started to work with Bookassist in 2010 and I immediately experienced their professionalism and expertise in terms of increasing direct bookings for my hotel.

Any time I open a new hotel I always contact Bookassist to avail of their services. Right now I’m managing 6 Hotels and a number of apartments in Prague, all of which have Booking Engine as well a website designed by Bookassist. I can say that we have built a very strong partnership, and we have regular meetings to plan new strategies and goals for our hotels.

Both parties are focused on increasing direct reservations, and we are still growing at a rapid rate. In the last 6 months of 2017 we increased our revenue from direct bookings by a further 100%, which is a fantastic result after 7 years of collaboration.

I recommend Bookassist to any hotel that would like to maximise their direct bookings.

Join thousands of other successful hotels using award-winning Bookassist technology and direct booking services.