Bookassist has partnered with translation company nativy to bring you online translations and quotations in a few clicks.
Simply select the original language of your text/document, choose the target language for translation, and then upload or drag&drop your document (or copy/paste your text directly). A quotation will be quickly generated and you can decide to proceed or not.
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Automatic Netware Ltd che opera come Bookassist® è una società a responsabilità limitata registrata in Irlanda n. 312796. Sede legale: Automatic Netware Limited, Suite 3, One Earlsfort Centre, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Società controllate registrate in Spagna, Italia, Austria, Repubblica Ceca e Germania. Contenuto © 1999-2024 Bookassist. Tutti i diritti riservati. Bookassist® è un marchio registrato.