Booking Engine

Flexible Dates Calendar

Reduce Booking Friction

Scroll availability over 2 years

Rather than forcing a booker to enter specific dates time and time again to check for availability, Flexible Date Calendar instead allows them to scroll availability over a 24 month calendar.

Booking friction is reduced by providing bookers with immediate pricing and availability information at their fingertips.

Simplify the decision-making process

Rates and Availability at a glance

With Bookassist’s Flexible Date Calendar the decision making process is simplified and booking friction is reduced as the needs of both date sensitive bookers and flexible date bookers are satisfied in an intuitive, user friendly interface.

At a glance, bookers can immediately see both available dates and dates where there is no availability. They are also presented with the best rate for each available date with the best prices across the month highlighted in green.

flexible dates calendar example - tablet and phone
flexible calendar man

It pays to be flexible

Re-engage potential customers

We analysed usage of Flexible Dates across hundreds of Bookassist hotels and usage data shows a clear uplift in conversion opportunity for Bookassist Hotels.

Overall, 41% of visitors who were rejected due to unavailable dates in the “normal” booking process opted to switch to Price Calendar’s flexible dates view to continue their booking.

Previously these customers would likely have left the process – a lost opportunity. Now, they are re-engaging.

Bottom line is that Flexible Date Calendar is significantly raising re-engagement with hotel customers online, and is growing direct booking opportunity and conversion.

It pays to be flexible with Flexible Dates Calendar